Wednesday, July 26, 2017

U.S. Military won’t “accent or allow” Transgender service members.

President Trump announced on Wednesday morning that the U.S. military would not “accent or allow” any transgender service members.

In a series of tweets, the commander in chief argued that too much is at stake in the military’s
current operations for it to be “burdened” by the medical costs of transgender people or the “disruption” he says transgender service members would cause.

The content of Trump’s statement is at odds with the current Department of Defense policy that had been crafted with Armed Services leadership, as well as medical and personnel experts.

From the Defense Department website:
“Transgender service members may serve openly. They may not be discharged or separated from the military solely on the basis of their gender identity.

As with other major presidential announcements from Trump on Twitter, there will likely be extraordinary backlash to this statement from liberal and moderate circles.”
On the campaign trail, Trump repeatedly said he was reaching out to the LGBT community and promised to protect them from terrorism.

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