Monday, August 14, 2017

Here is T for TIME from my "A-Z of Entrepreneurship."

The way you start your Monday can set the tone for your week. Here is T for TIME from my "A-Z of Entrepreneurship." It is a glossary of key words that reflect my journey as an entrepreneur as Founder & CEO of at bestmangamesltd. 

 Here are “4 Timely Tips” by at daisycentre;
they are relevant for your personal life, your job and your business. 

1. SCHEDULE EVERYTHING; meetings, telephone calls, time to think, reading, lunch, even down time. Scheduling your day helps you make the most efficient use of limited hours. 

2. AVOID DISTRACTIONS: Work from a list and be disciplined about distractions. Encourage people to respect your time. 

 3. "PROCASTINATION IS OPPORTUNITIES ASSASSIN" Do what needs to be done before it becomes urgent. Eat the biggest frog first. 

4. JUST SAY NO: Time is precious; don't allow other people to waste yours. You don't have to accept every meeting or invitation. Prioritize; if it isn’t in line with your personal or business goals, politely decline. Be intentional about how you spend time this week. You can't buy or borrow time, so spend most of your time on the tasks that are important, and you'll soon be ahead. Have a great week! (link in bio) 
 #timing #timeismoney 

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