Monday, September 11, 2017


The holidays are over…
The kids are back at school or will soon be on their way.
It's time to refocus and get back to work or business to give yourself the best chance of achieving your most important goals before year-end. September is a good time to take stock, and put concrete plans in place. 

Planning doesn't just happen; schedule the time to think, review and plan. 

 Are you where you ought to be? Review what you planned to achieve and compare with the actual. 

Don't beat yourself up; this just highlights what has worked and what hasn’t. If something clearly isn’t working, stop procrastinating; make that change and do things differently. 

You can’t do it all; involve your team and your family. Don't neglect personal goals. Most businesses have struggled over the past year and more; you can get so consumed worrying about business that you neglect what matters most; your personal goals for your family, your relationships, your health, etc. You need attention; give yourself some. 

SMART Goals matter and they really work by keeping you focused. With such a short time left to accomplish so much, allocate owners for certain tasks. Consider having an accountability partner. I’m meeting with mine today! Have a great week! 


Personal Finance

 #mmwn #accountabilitypartner

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