There is 'surprisingly limited' evidence that light drinking during pregnancy is harmful to the baby, say experts.

team of researchers from the University of Bristol analysed 26 relevant
studies and looked at complications of pregnancy and birth
characteristics, as well as longer term issues and behavioural
difficulties typical of foetal alcohol syndrome - a consequence of heavy
drinking in pregnancy.
The research, published in the online journal BMJ Open, showed
that drinking up to four units a week (no more than two small drinks)
while pregnant, was linked with an 8 per cent higher risk of having a
small baby, compared with drinking no alcohol at all . The findings also
suggested that drinking was linked to a heightened risk of premature
birth, although this was less clear.
While women who
have consumed small amounts of alcohol during pregnancy might be
reassured, the team has warned that their findings don't mean it is
completely safe. They say their review confirms that women should avoid
all alcohol throughout pregnancy 'just in case,' which is line with
current NHS guidelines. They have also called for more research on the effects of light alcohol consumption during pregnancy.
who have had a drink while pregnant should be reassured that they are
unlikely to have caused their baby considerable harm, but if worried,
they should discuss this with their GP or midwife," the researchers
of the effects of drinking up to 32 g/week in pregnancy is sparse. As
there was some evidence that even light prenatal alcohol consumption is
associated with being SGA [underweight] and preterm delivery, guidance
could advise abstention as a precautionary principle."
Lloyd Head of Education at the Royal College of Midwives, said she
hoped the research will help women make an informed decision about
drinking during pregnancy.
support the view of the research authors and our advice also remains
that if you are pregnant or thinking of becoming pregnant then it is
better to remove any doubt about the impact of alcohol and not drink
it," Lloyd commented.
this must be about women making a choice and what is important is that
they make that choice based upon the best available evidence.
pregnant women have concerns about their level of alcohol consumption
in pregnancy, we encourage them to speak to their midwife who will be
able to offer them advice and support."
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