Tuesday, November 14, 2017

#PoweredByWomen: Zendaya cover Inside Glamour November 2017 issue!

The magazine you have in your hands right now is the culmination of an idea seeded at the GLAMOUR International Conference eight months ago.

#PoweredByWomen is a global drive in which our 17 editions commissioned female talent at every turn. Yes, every freelance contribution, ever photo, set and story, every face painted – by a woman. (In case you’re wondering, we do still love men, specially art director, Ziyaad Bassier). 

Why #PoweredByWomen, you may ask. Well, the answer to that question lies in your payslip. Feminism may be on the rise as never before, but women still earn significantly less than men – and average 17% less in SA alone. All of which means that compared to our male colleagues, we women will pretty much be working for free between now and the end of the year. Time to be the change we want to see, don’t you think?

So, get set for the great GLAMOUR mix of style, beauty and drop-everything reads, all with a #PoweredByWomen twist and insights from our sisters all over the planet. The circle of love and support starts here as we 

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