Thursday, December 7, 2017

8 Reasons Why You Never Want To Have Sex Anymore

There are a bunch of obvious reasons why you might not want to have sex on any given night: you've had a hell of a day at work (long bath > sex), you're dealing with a bout of depression or anxiety, you haven't slept a full eight hours in a week. You get the idea. It all boils down to the fact that sometimes you just don't have the desire or energy to get naked and roll around. 

But since a woman’s libido is complex and multi-faceted, there can be other issues at play, too, some that you may not even know are problems. Maybe you’re not feeling at home in your body or your partner said something that you just can’t seem to shake. We turned to Houston-area sex therapist Mary Jo Rapini for some answers. She says if you were to come see her, concerned about your lack of libido, these are the things she’d talk to you about. Here’s what you need to know and how to get back on track:
1.  You’re holding onto a grudge
If you’ve been with your partner for a while and are holding onto anger, it’s going to be difficult to feel all lusty for them. “A woman needs to feel readily loved and connected to their partner. Resentment prevents you from feeling free to escape during sex, which is key to wanting and enjoying it,” says Rapini. She suggests doing something nice together, like going to a movie, and then talking about your issue after. It’s a nice way to break the ice and have an honest conversation.

2.  You’re not feeling great about your body
It’s probably not a shocker to have this on the list, but it's worth keeping in mind. You may be avoiding sex because of something your partner inadvertently said about your body, or because you’re dealing with body hang-ups that are preventing you from getting in the mood. Practicing self-acceptance is helpful, certainly. However, Rapini says that comes easier when you’re making healthy choices (eating well, exercising, practicing stress management). Even better: doing those things with your partner, which can strengthen your bond, something that—you got it—gets you in the mood. (Find more inner calm and build strength in just minutes a day with WH's With Yoga DVD!)

3. You jump from one relationship to the next
Interestingly, having more sexual partners doesn’t make you a better lover, says Rapini, who adds that most people tend to be “average.” She says that when you’re a serial dater, you’re continually searching for that perfect partner to knock your socks off. If getting in and out of relationships seems easy, you may also be dealing with an underlying fear of intimacy. And listen, there’s 100 percent nothing wrong with exploring and having fun. You do you. Just pay attention to your why.
Never in the mood lately? Watch a hot doc explain why you have a low sex drive:

4. You think it’s your birth control pill
It’s easy to blame hormones if you’re not all hot in the sheets these days. But if you think it’s the pill you’re on (and don’t want to get off of it for physical or, well, birth control reasons), you may assume you’re doomed to a cooled-off sex life. Not so fast. One study in 2016 in the Journal of Sexual Medicine found that hormonal birth control wasn’t a strong factor in libido in long-term couples—relationship factors make more of a difference. The lesson: Taking the pill doesn’t determine your bedroom destiny, so if you're having issues, it's time to seek out the real cause.

5. Your partner is looking at other women
Yeah, it makes you angry—WTF. But really, it hurts, and makes you want to do anything but jump in bed. “You should definitely tell your partner you don’t like when they do things like check out other women or Google women right in front of you. Express that it makes you feel bad about yourself, and it lowers your sex drive,” says Rapini. “When guys hear that, they listen,” she adds. Oh, and it’s not a “bitch” move to do it—telling them what you want is anything but nagging or controlling.

6. It’s medical
Certain medications and underlying medical problems, like thyroid disorders, can squash your sex drive. If relationship issues aren’t a factor and you’ve been grappling with other symptoms (like a change in appetite or mood), see your doctor. They may be able to evaluate your Rxs to see if you’re taking anything that has sexual side effects, as well as consider if there’s a medical issue that should be addressed. Your libido isn’t just “all in your head.”

7. He’s not great in bed
That brings us to our next point. Rapini sees many women in their mid-thirties who tell her that their partner is a great husband and dad, but they’re not great in bed. “I ask them to evaluate how important that is for them,” she says. You may want a family right now, so dad skills win out over bedroom skills. The remedy: Speak up about what you want in the bedroom, to help get his abilities on point.

8. You’ve been together for a long time
Welp, let’s hope that love always grows. “Down the road even the great lovers are no longer great lovers,” says Rapini. Shockingly, “in long-term relationships, more women than men are likely to get bored,” she adds. Being open to exploring new things, like going on a date to a sex toy store or looking online for ideas can help bring new, satisfying experiences into your bedroom.

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