Thursday, December 7, 2017

New York is officially the “hangriest” state in America, - new research.

When hungry, a good mood can quickly go south — and nowhere is that truer than in the Big Apple.
In a poll of 5,000 Americans across all 50 states, 72% of New York respondents admitted they get angry or “in a mood” when hungry — the highest percentage of any state.
Results pinpointed the “peak hanger” moment for the U.S. as Monday at 2:15 p.m.

The research, conducted by Snickers, used an algorithm to gauge the mood of the internet.

California and Florida tied for second place on the hangry chart, along with Utah, just ahead of West Virginia and Kansas.
Meanwhile Wisconsinites are the best at controlling their mood when the need to feed hits home — emerging as the least hangry state, followed by Delaware and Montana.
Not only are New Yorkers the hangriest, they also experience hanger most frequently, hitting hunger-infused anger seven times a month — compared with an average of five times for the rest of the country.

Californians are quickest to turn from hungry to hangry — taking just 18 minutes before their mood seriously goes downhill. At the other end of the moodiness matrix, people in Idaho take over 36 minutes to hit hangriness.
Women said they were more likely than men to be snappy or grumpy as hanger sets in (70% compared to 52%), but more men said they had done something when hangry that they later regretted (63% compared to 54%).
“The internet can be a place of inspired ideas or passionate debate,” Snickers spokesman Mike Italia said. “It’s a good place to judge the mood of the country and our Hungerithm is a way of doing our bit in the battle against widespread hangriness.”
The nationwide study found 75% of Americans feel hangry at times.

Two-thirds (68%) of hangry sufferers experience regular symptoms, with a particularly volatile one in five (21%) never far from a bad mood brought on by raging hunger.
Four in 10 Americans in a relationship say they have to give their partner space when hangriness strikes until they’re able to eat.
That might be because the average couple has four arguments a month that they say are directly the result of one or both being hangry.
The survey also found a third of Americans regularly bite their tongue when their stomach is rumbling to avoid saying something they’ll regret, while one in 10 admitted to stealing food from work colleagues when the hanger became too much.

Over a quarter (26%) have been reduced to tears by hangriness and over a fifth (22%) have thrown full-blown tantrums.
When is hangriness most likely to hit? A bad day in general is the most common cause (48%) followed by being kept late at work (35%) and while waiting to be served food at a restaurant (31%).
Pay attention the next time someone says they’re hungry as moods will quickly sour. The Snickers study pinpointed the exact time it takes a person to go from hungry to hangry — 32 minutes.
The most common effect of hangriness is having to distance yourself from your partner until you’ve eaten, followed by having to bite your tongue during a conversation because you’re grumpy.

And things that make the hanger worse? Being stuck in traffic is most likely to grind our gears, ahead of being with someone who takes too long to decide what to eat — and having our grumpiness pointed out to us.
It’s not all bad news — the whining gets better with age. Over 85% of 18- to 24-year-olds said they have hanger issues — but this drops to just over 40% for those over 55.

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