Thursday, December 7, 2017

Its Inspiring!!! Its Out!! “The Blessings of the 7th Season" Get your copy now

It was great to see Pastor Agu Irukwu on my flight yesterday. He presented me with the gift of a lovely little book, that he has just recently published; “The Blessings of the 7th Season: Seven Steps to your Breakthrough.” 

It is a simple, easy to read book full of marvelous nuggets particularly if you are waiting for something important. I read it from cover to cover during the flight!  

Here are the 7 steps: 

1. Believe the word 
2. Confess the word 
3. Pray 4. Fast 
5. Give of your time, talent, treasure 
6. Live Right
7. Wait  

Pick up one or more if you can; it will be at @laternabooks and other leading bookstores this Christmas. 

I will certainly be making it one of my gifts to friends. I’ve been blessed by it. 
I trust you will be too.  


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