Thursday, December 7, 2017

Why Healthy People were Examined when there wasn’t a Single case of Aids in Senegal?

How safe is Aids-test if a healthy person can deliberately be infected? In December 1985, antibodies were found in the blood of 20 out of 289, 7%, healthy prostitutes in Dakar, Senegal and five healthy patients out of 122 from surgical hospital ward there. When they were examined in the test tube, they reacted to the viruses which were found in African green long-tailed monkeys.
Here again, we must ask for the reason for carrying out this research: Why sick dogs and cats weren't examined in New York and San Francisco but healthy people in Senegal? Because there wasn't one single case of Aids over there.
In April 1986, a virus was cultivated from the blood of the infected healthy prostitutes. This could not be distinguished from the virus which the USA scientists had cultivated in the blood samples of the seven African green long-tailed monkeys.
This information gave rise to the impression that HIV originated from monkeys in Africa and was acquired by human beings in Africa, before spreading to NATO-states. The new PCR evidence method also revealed the culprits in this case.
Here too, scientists had cultivated in the blood samples from Senegal, precisely the specific virus from the one from rhesus monkey MM 251-79 in Boston. 
The antibodies prove that it was not the blood samples that were contaminated by the exceptional rare viruses, but that viruses originating from Boston had actually been present in persons in Dakar.
The prostitutes had undergone previous regular treatment for sexually transmitted diseases. The retrovirus STLV-III (=SIVmac-251) strikes and replicates itself in cultures of human lymphocytes. It's therefore, a human ("H") Immunodeficiency Virus. The prostitutes were still healthy four years later.
The proportion of HIV-2 (=HTLV-IV)-infected prostitutes increased annually by 0.5%- to a bare 10% respectively remain unchanged in eight years. Infection with the virus occurred irrespective of the time these women worked as prostitutes.
Scientists maintain that antibodies against the immunodeficiency virus of the African green long-tailed monkeys were found in one human blood sample from Dakar, which had been taken already between 1975 and 1976.
But the source quoted, which should have described the origin of the sample, did not indicate the domicile of the donor. It is most unusual to omit this important information in an epidemiological study.
In February 1987, from among roughly 30 prostitutes and 36 prisoners in three towns in the Ivory Coast, antibodies were discovered against those retroviruses found in the Senegalese prostitutes.

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