Thursday, December 7, 2017

Mysterious Diseases appear in North Korea after constant Missile Tests?

Kim Jong Un, flanked by suffering and smiling Koreans
  • Defectors have revealed that the increasing nuke tests have led to a mysterious disease
  • They said that they had witnessed the mysterious diseases leaving babies deformed
  • The nuclear tests have also exposed North Koreans to radiation

Pyongyang, North Korea - In a shocking expose, a report quoting several North Korean defectors has revealed that the increasing nuclear tests in the reclusive nation have given birth to a ghost disease.

According to several defectors, who are said to have managed to escape North Korea, 

Kim Jong Un’s nuclear tests have contaminated North Koreans with a 'ghost' disease that deforms babies and leaves civilians with horrifying radiation sickness.

The report stated that around 30 defectors have fled across the border to South Korea from the Kilju region, close to the Punggye-ri site.

It is at this site that Kim Jong Un has continued his father's furious testing since coming to power in 2011.

One of the defectors quoted in the report was Lee Jeong Hwan, who suffers from chronic pain and was tested by South Korean scientists to have been as a result of radiation from the test bombs.

Lee's results came back negative, but she has blamed the North Korean dictator for the suffering.

She said, “So many people died we began calling it 'ghost disease'. We thought we were dying because we were poor and we ate badly. Now we know it was the radiation.”

The WHO has said that exposure to radiation can harm the functioning of the body’s tissues and organs. 

It said that even lower doses of radiation can significantly increase the long-term risk of a person developing cancer.

Meanwhile, another defector added that she lived just a few miles from the test site and witnessed her neighbors having a deformed baby. 

Rhee Yeong Sil explained, “We couldn't determine the gender of the baby because it didn't have any genitals. In North Korea, deformed babies are usually killed. So the parents killed the baby.”

Both the defectors quoted said that they had no idea what the nuclear tests were while living under the North Korean rule.

They said that they only realized what the tremors were after escaping. 

Scientists, however, have said that the 'victims' do not have all the information they need to prove any of the ill-health was caused by the radiation.

According to a professor of nuclear engineering at Seoul National University, Kune-yull, said, “I don't think they're lying. We have to take their word, but I don't have much reliable information.”

Kune-yull has blamed a ‘total lack of data’ for the confusion. 

Source: North Korea Times

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