Wednesday, December 6, 2017

NIMI'S TOP 20 CHRISTMAS MONEY TIPS: Make A List..... and Check It Twice!!

Once you have a budget, make a list of everyone you plan to give a gift to, as well as the amount you plan to spend on each. Refer to your budget; how much can you afford to spend on each person? 

Remember those who have been particularly helpful through the year; the exceptional lift operator, receptionist, the cleaner; those people that just help and support you and make things easier along your way. 

 Include a few extra gifts for unexpected guests. Sometimes you receive a gift from someone not on your list and feel obliged to reciprocate. 

There are some people on your list who you’ve exchanged gifts with, out of sheer habit over several years. Perhaps you should forgo some gifts this year and spend time together instead. 

You can’t give everyone a gift. If you are wondering whether you should drop a particular person or family from your gift list, you can be sure that they are also considering dropping you! No hard feelings! 😜 

We are very excited about our new game: “The Bible Game: Saints and Sinners. It is Engaging, educative, and entertaining. Board Games like Monopoly and The Bible Game make it possible for you to give one substantial gift to a whole family as opposed to several smaller gifts. 
 #mmwn #christmastips

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