Friday, January 19, 2018

Build Your Business FIRST- by David-king Etienam

In one of my earlier posts, I quoted Proverbs 24:27 from 'The Living Bible' translation which says, "Develop your business first, before building your house".

I explained that the word house here could depict anything that should give you gratification and comfort;
such as cars, luxury travels, and vacations, expensive electronics etc. In fact, it could even mean a physical building.

Talking about a building, is it great to own your own house? Absolutely. But is it a great idea to own your own house first at the expense of developing your business? The answer is No. You cannot place the cart before the horse. understand priority here.

What if the house you are building is for business purposes? Then you will be in order.
In other words, Your business MUST come FIRST before comfort and gratification. If this is so, then it is a top priority to take your business seriously.

You need income to cater to children's school fees. you need money to take care of your wife before, during and after childbirth.

Where these are not in place, it will amaze you that the love you profess to each other may not make any meaning because it would have been drowned in frustration and pain.

"A hungry man is an angry man", they say. How true this could be.

Having read and understood the preceding thoughts, ensure you have the following in mind:

1. Have an opening and closing hours for your business, and ensure you attend to it even if you are the Chief Executive Officer of your business.

2. Place charges for your goods and services. Give discounts, run certain FREE promotions, if you have to, otherwise, NEVER do your business for free.

3. Your business finances are not yours. They belong to your business. Be accountable; keep records. Unless where necessary, do not keep funds meant for your business in your wallet or purse. Open an account for it, and use it for your business alone.

4. Pay yourself a salary for every job, service or sale. Then keep the rest for your business. If you want to help people, do so from what you have paid yourself for your business and not with money meant to grow your business.

5. Set daily, weekly, and monthly goals for your business, and ensure you take out the time and discipline to achieve them one after the other. You can't reach goals you haven't yet set. Your business only grows by the remuneration that comes when results are achieved.

6. NEVER over promise your client. It is better you overstep your target and show them you can do beyond their expectations than to raise the bar and fail to meet up with your promise. NEVER promise what you cannot deliver. This will tamper with your credibility.

7. Learn ALL you need to know about your particular business.

8. Clearly define your target market, and Understand everything you need to know about them.

9. When you've set your machine rolling, STAY AT IT. Businesses grow through time and patience.

10. Build customer loyalty and trust. Value that customer and ensure they are satisfied and fulfilled with what you provide. NEVER lie to them. NEVER miss out on your deadline. And NEVER cheat them. They will get to know if you do.

11. Start small and grow big. Business is a marathon, and not a sprint. Build systems for the long-haul and focus on small-connected steps. And building systems require people (teams), processes, software or online programs that will keep your business running even when you are away or unavailable. 

12. Build something you believe in. When you start your business, you will be your chief motivator. Don't start a business you aren't passionate about.

13. Find a need and fill it. People will pay for what they need and not what you want to sell them.

14. Learn marketing skills and utilize them. People won't come to you for business if they do not know you or what you do exists.

15. Have an online presence. In today's world, a greater percentage of individuals turn to the web to search for goods and services, and probably where they can find them and for how much before they step out for them. Not to have an online presence on what you do means you will have to work unnecessarily hard to get them in your direction. 

16. Be different. If you are the same as everyone else, people wouldn't really have a reason to make you their choice. WHY should they come to you and not the other person down the road? There has to be something different about you. Identify your difference and AMPLIFY it.

17. Deliver on time. If you are supposed to deliver on Saturday. Do it on Friday. Get your clients to trust your delivery capacity.

18. Always Appreciate your clients. NEVER make it appear you are doing them a favor. They could always go elsewhere even though you could do a better job for them. Bottom line - you lost out on that income.
Say thank you. Give discounts as appreciation. Give periodic gifts to say they are appreciated.

19. Strive to get better. NEVER accept that the way you've always done something is the best way to do it. Learn to accept new ideas, approaches and even new technology.

20. Carry your family along in your business. They do not need to run your business with you, as they may not be passionate in what drives you. But they will always be your number one fans. And unless they understand your business, as you carry them along, they may not be able to stand up for you where it matters the most. they may also not bring you customers nor advertise for you if they don't have the slightest clue what your business is about. And in most cases, your best advice may come from them because you are a part of their lives.

These are not exhaustive in themselves. Nonetheless, if you can walk with these as a guiding principle for your business, then you are bound to see tremendous growth and progress in your business. And when you do, you will be able to afford all the luxury you could ever wish for. Then you can build your house.

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