Tuesday, January 23, 2018


By the time you get to the end of this article, you’ll understand why the spiritual destiny of Nigeria is in a very, very precarious position at this moment – approaching a critical MAKE-OR-BREAK point. And how this relates to you personally.

We can aggregate the spiritual destiny of Nigeria from the abundance of revelations given by God, over many decades, to several servants of God, both in and out of Nigeria.

Nigeria is destined to be a trigger that will produce and send out huge numbers of fire-brand ministers/missionaries that will take the GENUINE Gospel of Christ all around the world in the run-up to the return of Jesus Christ to the world. It is a key component of God's end-time agenda.
It is because of this spiritual destiny that the Lord blessed Nigeria with tremendous human and material resources. And has kept the nation together in spite of her many problems, and the efforts to break her up.

It is also for this same reason that Satan has been viciously fighting the nation, and stunting her development, so that Nigeria won't be in a position to fulfil her divine destiny. In Satan’s plan, Nigeria will either not send Gospel ministers into the world, or the ministers she sends out will be fake ministers spreading a FALSE GOSPEL all over the world.

The second coming of Jesus Christ is now imminent. It is closer today than it has ever been in the history of mankind – as many signs are showing us now. Thus, all nations, ministries, and individuals that are connected with PREPARING THE WAY for the return of the Lord, as fore-runners, need to urgently be in position now, fulfilling their purpose. Otherwise, the purpose of being fore-runners will be defeated when the Lord appears on the scene suddenly.
Thus, at this point in history, all failing fore-runners WILL BE REPLACED – for God’s program for the return of Christ CANNOT be hindered or slowed down. It is for this reason that Satan is also intensifying his battle against ALL nations, ALL ministries, and ALL individuals that the Lord has designated as fore-runners of the second coming of Jesus.

For Nigeria, this is one of the reasons her problems are multiplying daily. But, on the positive side, we must be fully aware that God is standing fully ready to help Nigeria, and to put her in a position to fulfil her destiny. This divine help for the nation will manifest and blossom when FAITHFUL believers commit themselves to God’s clear instructions in the Bible. A relevant aspect of this is the instruction in 1 Timothy 2:1-4 to pray for ‘ALL THAT ARE IN AUTHORITY’ (whoever they are – atheists, agnostics, freethinkers, Muslims, Christians, whatever!) Once the Lord permits them into leadership positions in His sovereignty, they are included in the word ‘ALL’ that the passage stipulates that believers should pray for. All means ALL! Please have a look at the passage closely.

The fulfilment of the spiritual destiny of a country is NOT dependent on the whole population in the nation. It is ALWAYS dependent on THE FAITHFUL PEOPLE that the Lord Himself has planted in the land for critical periods in the journey towards achieving that destiny. For the nation of Israel, it was Joshua and Caleb at one time. David at another time. Mordecai and Esther at yet another time. Like the sons of Issachar in 1 Chronicles 12:32, these were MEN THAT HAD UNDERSTANDING OF THE TIMES to know what a nation ought to do during critical periods.

In this New Testament dispensation, Jesus is THE WAY to the accomplishment of ALL God’s purpose on earth – including the fulfilment of a nation’s spiritual destiny. This means it is the men/women that are GENUINELY in Christ that God will use to sustain His plan and purpose in the nations of the world. Please let’s be clear: this number does NOT include the myriads and multitudes of ‘believers’ that merely confess Christ with their lips, but do not follow the DIFFICULT WAY of the cross.

Such ‘believers’ are mere HANGERS-ON – a constant source of distraction and irritation in the journey of destiny (like the murmuring children of Israel on the way to the Promised Land). These are ‘believers’ that work for God in the morning, and for Satan at night. Unstable souls that are easily swayed. Double-minded men and women.
Today, the church in Nigeria has such ‘believers’ in their millions and millions. They are IN CHURCH, but not IN CHRIST. The vocal, vociferous crowd. These are NOT God’s agents in the journey of the spiritual destiny of a nation – though they are in the MAJORITY in the church.

The men that God needs to fulfil Nigeria’s spiritual destiny now are men/women of understanding. Those that understand THE WAY OF THE CROSS, and are prepared to submit themselves to the ‘foolishness' in the way of the cross. Those that know that on the way to the Promised Land, Amalekites will arise. Goliaths will boast. There will be moments of ‘waterlessness’ like the Meribah incident (Exodus 17:1-4). And so on.

In spite of all the challenges, the eyes of such men/women will ALWAYS remain on the Lord their God, and on His wisdom and strength to fulfil His purpose – in spite of THE RAGE OF THE ENEMY. Men and women that will not resort to carnal solutions/weapons in resolving spiritual matters. Just like David refused to use Saul's armour to fight Goliath.
These are the men/women of understanding that Nigeria needs at this critical time. These are the men/women that need to return to God today in the place of DEEP REPENTANCE on behalf of the nation; and in EARNEST PRAYER for God’s mercy upon the nation.

Like Joshua and Caleb, these are the voices of faith that will attempt to calm the baying mob with the confident assurance that our God is POWERFUL enough to fulfil the destiny He assigned to Nigeria in His own sovereignty. Voices that stay focussed on the goal, shunning all forms of distraction.

These are the men/women that Nigeria needs URGENTLY NOW. To arise urgently, and to hold on to God in spite of the fierce winds and storms in the land. To remain focussed on God in times of despair. To show MUCH LOVE in the midst of MUCH HATRED. To be voices of CALMNESS in the midst of the HYSTERIA of the mixed multitudes of ‘believers’.

When these men and women arise for God today, GOD WILL ARISE FOR NIGERIA!!!
He Himself will visit the nation to accomplish His purpose. After all, it is HIS PURPOSE, not OUR PURPOSE. It is HIS WORK, not OUR WORK. And NO MAN can do the work of God like God Himself. And He is standing by – IF (and a strong IF) we will fulfil our part in obeying His words in the Bible. Pray for ALL political leaders in the land. Love those that hate us, and pray for them. Refuse to repay evil for evil, rather OVERCOME EVIL WITH GOOD (Romans 12:19-21, Matthew 5:43-48). And so on. This is the way of the cross. The way of Christ.

IF such men of understanding arise in Nigeria, carrying their cross and following Jesus, the story of our spiritual destiny as a nation does not have to be GOING…GOING…GONE!!!
For if this nation misses the appointed time of her spiritual destiny, the catastrophe that will befall the nation will be of epic proportions!

But rather than this, our story can be different. With faith and fortitude, the story of the spiritual destiny of Nigeria can be GOING…GOING…SAVED!!!

This latter option is God’s will for Nigeria. For He loves this nation dearly. So, let our men/women of understanding arise TODAY and stand for Jesus Christ in the nation – IN THE WAY OF THE CROSS.

Thank you for reading, God bless you...

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