Reciprocation of attraction plays a key role in the development of romantic relationships.
When people learn that a partner likes or dislikes them, they tend to
reciprocate with equivalent liking or disliking. Often, however, people
are uncertain about a partner's romantic intentions, wondering
this partner is really interested in them, and mixed feelings may arise
instead. On the one hand, uncertainty may generate debilitating
anxieties that motivate distancing from the potentially rejecting
partner. On the other hand, the arousal generated by unpredictable
partners may intensify emotional reactions to their demeanor, making
them more pleasantly exciting.
Scholars, indeed, have long debated whether uncertainty about
partners' romantic interest increases or decreases their sexual
desirability. A study1 published recently in Computers in Human Behavior
sheds new light on this debate. Six studies examined whether
relationship uncertainty affects potential and current partners' sexual
desirability, and whether expressions of partners' interest influence
these effects. In Studies 1-4, participants interacted online with
potential partners (confederates) who were either clear or vague about
their romantic intentions. Then, participants rated the extent to which
they felt uncertain about the confederates' romantic intentions, the
confederates' sexual desirability, and their interest in future
interactions with them.
In Study 1, participants were led to believe that they would participate in an online chat with an opposite-sex
participant who, like themselves, was single. In reality, they
communicated with a confederate over Instant Messenger. At the end of
the chat, participants were told that they were allowed to send one last
message to their partner. Uncertainty was manipulated by telling
participants that such a message was either or not waiting for them,
thereby creating certainty or uncertainty about the partner's
intentions, respectively. Results showed that participants perceived
potential partners as more sexually desirable and were more interested
in future interactions with them in the certainty condition than in the
uncertainty condition.
Study 2 explored whether uncertainty would affect not only potential
partners' desirability but also the effort made to see them again. To do
so, participants were allowed to leave a message for the confederate at
the end of the chat. These written messages were coded for expressions
of romantic interest and desire for future interactions. The findings
indicated that uncertainty about the confederates' romantic intentions
was associated with decreased ratings of confederates' desirability,
which in turn, predicted less intense effort to see them in the future.
Study 3 explored whether prospective partners' expressions of
romantic interest would mitigate the adverse effects of uncertainty on
their desirability. For this purpose, a second manipulation of
confederates' interest was added to the design of Study 1, such that
participants interacted online with confederates who expressed either
high or low interest in them and were either clear or vague about their
behavioral intentions. In particular, participants were instructed to
communicate with a confederate over Instant Messenger for a couple of
minutes and thereby to get to know each other. The final sentence in
this chat was written by the confederate and varied across the interest
conditions ("I just got a knock on the door, so I’ll say bye and you
were a nice distraction to a dull day" in the high interest condition
and "I just got a knock on the door, so I’ll say bye" in the low
interest condition). Then, participants were asked to choose one of the
following three options, indicating their interest in interacting with
the confederate in an additional task: "Yes", "No", or "No, because I
have a class." Participants typed their chosen response into the chat so
that each participant could see what the other one chose.
Once the participants had typed their response into the chat, the
confederates typed their response back via the chat. The confederates'
response varied across the uncertainty conditions: In the high certainty
condition, the confederates replied with "Yes," whereas in the low
certainty condition, the confederates replied with "No, because I have a
class." The latter reply was chosen to induce uncertainty about the
confederate's romantic intentions because the confederate's refusal
could be attributed either to a lack of romantic interest in the
participant or to having other obligations (i.e., attending class),
leaving participants uncertain about the true nature
of the refusal. Results revealed that expressions of potential
partners' romantic interest buffered against the detrimental effect of
uncertainty on these partners' desirability, such that uncertainty
decreased partners' desirability only when their expressed romantic
interest in the participants was relatively low.
Study 4 investigated whether decreased uncertainty was the mechanism
that explained why prospective partners' expressions of interest made
them more sexually appealing, demonstrating that partners' explicit
expressions of romantic interest fostered certainty about their
intentions, thereby enhancing their sexual appeal.
Studies 5 and 6 explored whether the adverse effects of uncertainty
would generalize to everyday lives of long-term partners. To be sure,
although feelings of uncertainty are particularly typical of the early
phases of dating, when little is known about partners, uncertainty may
remain salient in long-term relationships. For example, people may be
unsure about their partner's continued commitment or feel that their
partner is insufficiently concerned with the relationship. Study 5 was a
survey in which partnered participants rated how positively their
partners regarded them lately, the extent to which they felt
relationship uncertainty recently, and their partners' sexual
desirability. In Study 6, both members of romantic couples completed
daily measures of perceived partner’s regard (i.e., partners' positive
feelings for oneself), felt relationship uncertainty, and sexual desire
over a span of 42 consecutive days. The findings showed that partners'
regard predicted lower uncertainty, which, in turn, was associated with
greater desire for sex with one's partner.
Overall, these findings demonstrate that people tend to experience
less desire for, and avoid seeking out, partners who are likely to cause
them pain. This desire may serve as a gut-feeling indicator of mate
suitability that motivates people to pursue romantic relationships with a
reliable and valuable partner. Inhibiting desire may thus serve as a
mechanism aimed at protecting the self from investing in a relationship
whose future is uncertain.
Gurit Birnbaum, Ph.D., is
a professor at the Baruch Ivcher School of Psychology, the
Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya. Her research focuses on sexual
fantasies and sexuality in close relationships.
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