Monday, May 21, 2018

Never Say 'Never'!

"I can never cheat on my wife" 
Photo: Pixbay

"I can never raise my hand to beat a woman" 
"I can never embezzle company's funds"

Well, Peter said the same thing. 

Jesus told him that he would betray Him. 
Peter got offended. As a matter of fact, he said he would rather die than betray his master. 
Believe me when I tell you that Peter meant it! But he failed!  

I don't know why we focus so much on Peter and not on the other disciples. 
They said they would die with Jesus too(Mk 14:31).
But we have read about their disappearing acts when Jesus was arrested!  

The disciples realised firsthand that "by strength shall no man prevail".

With the right 'devilish' circumstance, pressure and opportunity, anything can happen! You will then realise that without special doses of God's grace and mercy for each tempting moment, you will mess up...big time!

Jesus told Peter, "Satan has asked for you that he may sift you as wheat. But I have prayed for you that your faith should not fail" Luke 22:31-32.

I pray the same for you, that at your tempting moments, your faith will not fail We need to make this our constant prayer so that the noble name of Jesus that we bear will not be brought into disrepute through us.

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