New research as The No. 1 reason people donate
No. 2 is benevolence, not bucks, researchers reported Tuesday.

of the reasons for the urgency is C difficile (C. diff), an intestinal
infection that’s common in hospitals, especially for elderly patients.
C. diff infections kill 29,000 people in the U.S. and make 450,000 sick,
according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. FMT has
been shown to be an effective cure when antibiotics fail.
find out, the team gave 802 people in the U.S., Canada and England a
survey with 32 questions related to stool donation and fecal microbiota
transplantation (FMT) – the official term for poop transplants.
42% of participants said altruism and “a desire to help” would compel
them to donate. About 35% of respondents said cash payment would be an
additional motivator.
Ashleigh Peterson, 34, a research coordinator at University of Alberta, has donated poop for three years.
do look shocked when I tell them I’ve done it,” she said. “But it’s
easier than making an appointment to have blood drawn.”
collect their stool at home and bring it to a lab for processing.
“After a transplant, people have their lives back,” she told The News.
“That was my motivation.”
involves transferring good microorganisms from a healthy donor into a
patient with C diff infection via colonoscopy, endoscopy or enema. Good
bacteria grow in the patient’s colon and prevent C. diff from
overgrowing again.
To make this life-saving therapy readily available, it is vital to have a large bank of healthy stool donors.
to giving blood, “the concept of stool donation may seem strange,”
McSweeney acknowledged. “But it’s important to remember that is has the
potential to save someone’s life.”
- Daily News
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