It's a simple question, and you've probably answered it hundreds of
times. "What do you do?" If you're like most people, you probably get
the answer dead wrong.
Your standard reply is probably a factual description of your current job.

The right answer is: what you want to do.
Most job candidates get so caught up in retelling the past that they
fail to paint a compelling picture of the shared future they (you) could
co-create with a new employer.
Let's break down the end of that last sentence.
Paint a compelling picture: If good is the enemy of
great, then boredom is the enemy of getting hired. Hiring managers have
to slog through countless interviews with people who drone on and on
about things that don't interest the manager. Interview 10 people and I
guarantee you'll have a hard time remembering what at least six of them
Before you do anything else, you need to engage others. That means
being interesting and memorable. Jerry Seinfeld spent over a year
crafting a new stand-up comedy routine after his TV show ended;
essentially, he was preparing to get a new job. If the most successful
comedian in the world needs to invest that much time and effort, what
makes you think that simply reciting your previous "shows" will be
sufficient? Would you be satisfied if Jerry simply got up on stage and
said, "I played Philadelphia on July 12, 2005. Then I played Detroit on
July 15, 2005. Then . . ."?
Of the shared future: Let's consider what's actually
happening when you are "job hunting." You and your potential employer
have been spending 99.9999% of your time apart, pursuing separate
interests and objectives. Suddenly, you will be spending half your time
together. What will that look like? Can you describe it vividly and in a
highly compelling manner?
Most people can't for two reasons.
The first is that you haven't done your homework. You don't know much
about the organization or people with whom you are talking. Not just
their sales, but also their culture, customers, habits, challenges,
opportunities and quirks. Especially their quirks. So do your homework,
even though it takes a ton of time.
The second reason you aren't painting a compelling story around your
potential is that you are in the habit of talking about your history,
rather than your destiny.
Sure, I care that you know how to code and that you worked in the oil
and gas industry. But have you always dreamed about building something big,
something into which you could pour your heart and soul, something so
important that nothing—absolutely nothing and no one—will stand in your
way? Say that.
You could co-create with a new employer: Our world
is far too complicated to go it alone. This is as true for Apple as it
is for you. When talented and perceptive people pursue new
opportunities, they understand the true nature of what is happening:
together, you are exploring what you could co-create.
Exploring co-creation is nothing like interviewing for a job. In a
co-creation conversation, you move quickly past your history and
excitedly start to explore possibilities. Together, you start to
envision an idealized future. Together, you recognize each others'
strengths and weaknesses; it dawns on all of you that together you have a
brighter future than any of you do apart.
This, by the way, is why some people with basically the same qualifications earn $1 million a year while others earn $100,000.
If you want to elevate and accelerate your career, don't just interview. Co-create.
Bruce Kasanoff is co-founder of Ikigai Park City. If you are serious about growing your career, join one of Ikigai Park City's new Growth Groups.
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