Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Will your children take care of you when you are old?


*Photo by Yinka Akinkugbe
“In today’s world is it unrealistic to assume that your adult children will take care of you when you are old?
It’s best to start to plan early to make provision for that phase of life after active retirement, so that you are prepared for it whether or not they can support. 

Financial security is a factor in successful aging and will help the elderly maintain dignity, independence and autonomy. Without adequate planning many could face a grim old age. 

The key is to build a diversified portfolio of cash, bonds, shares, real estate etc to provide passive income in order to be able to maintain a decent standard of living and afford long term health care even where it is not readily available within the family. 

Nowadays,there appears to be a dwindling regard for our elderly.A nation where they are neglected or abandoned is unpardonable. It is important for each of us, to take care of the elders in our midst.” 

Call an elderly person now and make their day!
 Do read my article
  • Moneymatterswithnimi

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