Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Miraculous Health benefits of Bitter Leaf

  • It relieves stomach ache. Almost everybody knows this because it is a well-known remedy for stomachaches. ...
  • It fights prostate cancer. Research has shown that prostate cancer is common among men who are over forty years old. ...
  • It fights pneumonia. ...
  • Insomnia. ...
  • It enhances fertility.
Although there is no cure yet for both type 1 and type 2 diabetes, Nigerian researchers and
their foreign counterparts have identified local plants such as guava, bitter leaf, Egusi melon and figs that will not only reduce blood sugar levels and improve the function of the insulin but protect the body against common.

All of the above properties are directly related to weight loss. After all, a healthy body do not accumulate slags, fat, and other excess substances. You will feel fresh, energetic, and cheerful. Just regularly use tea made with the juice of bitter leaf or bitter leaf smoothie.

Effect of bitter leaf juice on fertility. In general, bitter leaf works so well because it combats infertility and boost the functions of the reproductive system. ... Actually, the problem with a lot of infertile patients is that they don't connect infertility with “fertile nutrition”.
Interesting fact: Bitter leaf isn't only efficient in lowering blood pressure but is also used to prevent internal organ failure. Bitter leaf, also known as Ewuro or Onugbu, possess certain properties that are helpful in high blood pressure treatment.

Effect of drinking bitter leaf juice 
More and more people today prefer "sweet medicine" to bitter, but how good is sweet for the health? Some medical experts belong to the school of thought that the longest life span in this century happens to be found in Asian countries like China because the people relish less sweet substances. Here we will present you with the unusual herb medicine that consists of bitter leaf. We will introduce you to the benefits of the scent leaf below.

Health benefits of bitter leaf
·         Bitter leaf is rich in proteins, vitamins, and minerals.
·         Due to the presence of nutrients especially ß-carotene, it controls the synthesis of female gender hormones.
·         This allows women to stay young and healthy for a longer duration of time.
·         The wood ash of Bitter leaf can be used to treat fungal infections.
·         It improves appetite.
·         It is helpful in treating skin infections such as Ringworm.
·         It increases the milk production in Lactating mothers.
·         It cures a cough. It helps in treating itching and rashes
·         It detoxifies the whole body.
·         It is helpful in treating Hepatitis B.
·         It tones ups the liver and the kidney.
·         It provides instant relief from fatigue.
·         It cures intestinal parasitic infections.
·         It can be used for the contraction of the uterus during labour.
·         It is a potent herb for STD.
·         It cures a toothache.
·         It is used in pharmaceutic medicines as anti-helminths, laxative and as fertility inducers for barren women. It helps to build up the immune system.
·         It is a useful herb for treating the problem of Memory Loss.
·          It is helpful in curing Insomnia. Bitter Leaf is an excellent herbal treatment for combating Cancer.
·          It does not allow cancer to spread to the different organs of the body.
·         It is an effective cure for stomach ache and indigestion.
·         It curbs the problem of Piles.
·          Its leaf juice is effective for treatment of Malaria.
·         A concoction prepared from its leaf is an excellent herbal remedy for treating Skin Ailments like Eczema and Rashes.

A scientific study that substantiates these claims. A clinical trial of the traditional medicine Vernonia Amygdalina in the treatment of uncomplicated malaria was carried out in 2009 and published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine. The study stated that leaves of Vernonia amygdalina were widely used in Africa to treat malaria and could be so because it was widely available, accessible and affordable in many remote areas that did not have ready access to modern medicines.

As bitter as it may taste, the health benefits of bitter leaf and bitter leaf juice go far above its bitter taste. It speeds up metabolism thereby reducing the chances of any consumer developing constipation and increasing the usage of the stored fat.

It can be of great use to those who desire weight loss. Bitter leaf juice relieves fever and feverish conditions as it has been stated earlier. It also helps to reduce high blood sugar level because it speeds up the rate of metabolism and glucose uptake by the cells of the body. This is good news for diabetic patients.

Bitter leaf juice works on skin rashes, eczema, ringworms and any superficial skin ailments; this is possible because bitter leaf has antibiotic and antifungal properties. 

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