Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Mario Singh on Fullerton Markets’ innovative partnership programmes

The foreign exchange market moves faster than any other financial market in the world – so how do brokerage firms make sure they’re offering their clients and partners the best solutions? Mario Singh, founder and CEO of Fullerton Markets, explains his approach.
World Finance: Mario, what innovative programmes and solutions are you bringing to your partners?

Mario Singh: Thanks so much for asking that question Paul – here’s the key thing I find, you know, for us to really advance all over Asia. We really have got to take care of our partners. So I’ll split partners in about three different categories.
Category one is what I would term as the traders and the investors. They are at the forefront of what we do.
What do these clients really want? Every single day we are asking ourselves, how could we better our product offerings for all our clients? Well, traders essentially want a couple of things. They want fast news at their fingertips. They want to be able to access webinars, videos, training programmes. So we have that for traders.
Now, what about investors? Investors don’t really want to spend the time to go and learn how to read charts, how to put the indicators on the platform. So they are fairly hands-free. Now, for the investors, Paul, we’ve got an innovative product, which we term as CopyPip. Basically a system where we rank different top expert traders within Fullerton Markets, and the investors can then pick and choose all these expert traders that are able to manage the money for them.
Now the second category would be the IEBs – essentially the introducing brokers or agents who bring clients to us.
How do we help our IEBs to advance and increase their reach throughout the entire ecosystem? We’ve got a programme – we term it as PipBox. So PipBox is basically an affiliate tool, Paul: they’re able to automatically send out content tools from Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and the weekend. We will be the ones giving them this content, Paul: and all they’ve got to do is to syndicate the content worldwide, and anybody who opens an account then will be tagged automatically to our IEBs.
And the third group are what I would term as the white labels – partners that would want to launch their own branding, and we power the white labels from behind.
For our white labels, because they run their own brokerage platforms, management of data and analytics is so important. So we’ve got something called the Fullerton Suite that is able to help customise the different analytics for our white labels.
World Finance: But as you’ve said before, the FX market moves more rapidly than any other in the world – how are you making sure you’re hearing what your customers and your partners are asking for, and continuing to adapt and evolve what you’re offering into the future?
Mario Singh: You know, we have four core values in the company: passion, excellence, commitment and sustainability. And within those four core values, Paul, we really want to hear from the ground as much as possible.
And this can come in a variety of ways, you know. Number one, they’re able to live chat through the entire company to find out and give us that feedback. We’ve got so many staff all over the ground in 10 countries worldwide that are able to meet them and have that personal connection. In fact even for myself, Paul: I go down to the ground as well. I started as a trader. I love this game. I understand it totally, I understand there are wins, there are challenges. And I think this is something our clients and partners can really identify with.
So we really want to be there with them. We truly believe, and we expound on that, in terms of how to provide personalised service to all our partners worldwide.
World Finance: Mario, thank you very much.
Mario Singh: Thank you for having me, Paul.

  • Worldfinance

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