WASHINGTON — Vowing a “relentless” campaign against vicious ISIS
extremists, President Obama Wednesday night authorized U.S. air strikes inside
Syria and dispatched nearly 500 more military advisers to Iraq.
In a high-stakes address to the nation, a politician whose opposition
to the Iraq War vaulted him to the White House argued for a broad new military
commitment in the region — but without deploying U.S. combat troops.
“We will hunt down terrorists who threaten our country, wherever they
are,” Obama said in a crisp, 15-minute address from the White House. “This is a
core principle of my presidency: If you threaten America, you will find no safe
The rare prime-time speech — on the eve of the 13th anniversary of 9/11
— underscored his commitment to “eradicate a cancer like” the Islamic State
amid its lightning-fast rise and horrific beheading of two American reporters.
Obama even sounded a bit like his predecessor, George W. Bush, after
9/11 as he talked about trying to rid "evil from the world.”
“These terrorists are unique in their brutality. They execute captured
prisoners. They kill children. They enslave, rape and force women into
marriage. They threatened a religious minority with genocide. In acts of
barbarism, they took the lives of two American journalists, Jim Foley and
Steven Sotloff,” he said.
Critical to the effort is U.S. financial and military help to bolster a
still-in-the-making international coalition to take on the violent Sunni group,
which has overrun northern Iraq this summer in a reign of terror.
The U.S. has conducted 150 air strikes against ISIS since early August.
The expanded campaign will include 475 new military personnel “to
support Iraqi and Kurdish forces with training, intelligence and equipment.”
The deployment will bring to 1,600 the number of U.S. military personnel sent
by Obama into Iraq this summer.
In addition, there will be training in Saudi Arabia of “moderate”
Syrian rebels. And while the White House said Obama doesn’t need Congress to
expand air strikes into Syria, he conceded that legally he needs its backing so
the Defense Department can train and otherwise assist those rebels.
Many specifics remained unclear, including where and when the air
strikes — by manned aircraft and drones — in Syria would take place.
But Obama was adamant that no
American combat troops will be involved. “We will not get dragged into another
ground war,” he said, pledging that this effort will be “different from the
wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.”
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