John Cena’s greatest move at WrestleMania Sunday night came after he
and girlfriend Nikki Bella beat The Miz and Maryse when he popped the

“This is what you wanted over a year ago. You broke your neck and did
everything you could to come back because you wanted a WrestleMania
I’m so very proud of you. Right before your surgery, there would
be a time when you would be a little loopy and I could ask you anything
I wanted. If you gave me an honest answer, you wouldn’t remember what
you said. After a year and half, you asked me all the time. I promised I
would tell you when the time is right. The time is right,” Cena said
after the win in the mixed tag team match.
“You were kinda glassy, in and out. At the last moment, I said, ‘Can
you hear me?’ You said, ‘Yes.’ I said, ‘I only have one question.’ You
said, ‘What is it?’ ‘Do you know one day I’m going to marry you?’ And
you said, ‘Yes.’
“I just need you to say yes one more time. I've been waiting so long to
ask you this: Stephanie Nicole Garcia-Colace, will you marry me?”
Bella, part of the Bella Twins, nodded in agreement and took the sparkling diamond.
The two got together in 2012 after Cena finalized his divorce from wife
Elizabeth Huberdeau, but he’d continually said he didn’t want to get
married again.
The Miz and Maryse taunted the couple with that fact before the match
Sunday night, saying that Cena loved himself more than Bella.
“Happy tears!!!! They always felt married to me but to see!!!”
tweeted Bella’s twin sister Brie after the news. “Welcome to the
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