Monday, April 10, 2017


So many questions. Let's begin with the basics. 

1. Your penis is not a plant. It does not grow past a certain stage. Each person is different so there is no way to know when that stage happens for you. It may stop growing at 18 or 25.
2. Just because you think that your penis is small, it probably is not - especially if you ave been comparing yourself to a porn star. The average penis is 5 inches long and 4 - 5 inches around when it is erect.
3. Some men have the same size erect and soft. Others grow substantially when erect.
4. You can permanently injure your penis with all of the claims that will take your money and make no guarantees.
5. Great sex is rarely about penis size. Love your body as it is.

Here is a good response to a question on the Scarleteen website. They have many links for other questions. PLEASE read before asking questions. PLEASE ask questions about the penis ONLY on this post.
Penises gradually get longer and thicker during puberty: this phase can start in the early teens and end in the twenties. Some people start earlier, some start later, and some people finish this process earlier than others; others finish it later. Physical development can happen slowly and gradually and/or quickly in 'spurts'. Your penis may well have grown gradually over this period without you noticing.

The most reliable and robust studies suggest that the average length of an erect adult human penis is 5.1 inches to 5.7 inches (12.9 cm to 14.5 cm). (For more about average penis size this piece from Cory Silverberg is excellent: ) The majority of members are around that size, but that's an average, and like all averages, it means there are also loads of people with penises which are bigger or smaller than that.

In rare cases, a difference in fetal development or physical/chemical makeup means that someone has a very, very small penis, which can be treated with hormones after birth or around puberty, more on this here If you feel this may apply to you, please consider seeing a healthcare practitioner.

The size of a person's erect penis can vary a little depending on (for example) how sexually aroused that person is or how warm/cold the temperature of the room is. Penis size varies from member to member much more when they are soft than when they're hard. Penises that are smaller when soft tend to increase in length and thickness when they get hard much more than penises that are bigger when soft. Ever heard the terms 'grower' or 'show-er'.

Example: the guy you saw after your weightlifting class would probably have been a 'show-er', that is, his penis was probably showing its full length in its flaccid state (I'm assuming he was soft) so when he gets hard he will probably not be bigger.

When guys compare themselves to other guys they are usually comparing soft penises and they vary in size much more than hard penises. Also, when you were looking at the guy in the changing room you were probably looking at the full length of his penis. Ever looked at your penis in a full length mirror? Ever notice that your penis looks bigger than when you look down on it from your point of view?

Whilst I'm talking about comparing, guys sometimes also compare (either knowingly or without them realising) their penis size to the guys they see in porn: please please please remember that one of the qualifications for being a porn performer is having a bigger than average penis, mmkay? (Surprisingly, one of the requirements is not a GCSE in Drama).

As you say there aren't any magic pills, stretching methods or surgical procedures that are clinically proven to extend penis size. There are, however, a couple of tips and tricks to feel more comfortable about your soft penis size for when you're in changing room situations. For more on that I made a video which you can see here:

You said that your penis works fine. I'm assuming that you are able to enjoy touching it and that it gives you pleasure, if so, great! You should know that even any size penis, including those under average, can potentially bring pleasure when you have sex with someone, both to you and your partner. For instance if you plan on having penis in vagina sex, the most sensitive part of the vagina is just an inch or two from the opening (on the upper wall of the vagina, behind the clitoris). FYI, most females can't have an orgasm from just penis in vagina sex, no matter how big the penis.

You should also know that even having a big penis doesn't guarantee that your partner will enjoy having sex with you. Just like any size penis can potentially be pleasurable to a partner, any size penis also may not offer a partner pleasure. That's about a lot of things, but mostly about the fact that whether or not a sexual partner experiences pleasure tends to have very little to do with anyone's penis. Good sexual partners are caring, sharing, good listeners, good talkers and see their brain as being the most important sexual organ.

So to sum up so far: your penis has probably stopped growing, but it is probably around average size. Having an average or bigger than average penis (or any penis) doesn't mean you or your sex partner are going to enjoy sex more.

Now to the stuff about girlfriends: would you go out with someone because you heard that they had amazing genitals? No? Thought not.

Women that are interested in men don't go out with them just because they think they have a big penis. Simple as. Can you imagine a relationship where someone was only interested in the other person's genitals? Would that be someone that you'd be interested in anyway, even if you had a penis of blue whale dimensions? Penises make terrible boyfriends. They aren't great at making conversation or making someone laugh, or giving hugs or compliments: they also have rubbish taste in music and have awful table manners.

If you think women are going to go out with/not go out with a feller because of their genitals then a) you should actually talk to some women (clue: women want very similar things to men from relationships), or b) you should think about what else you bring to the table other than your penis.

If you spent a bit more time thinking about the rest of you rather than just your penis you might start to feel a bit more comfortable in your own skin.

Try this page from my website:

It's got a couple of resources on there for you to think about what kind of person you are, why people like about you, what makes you attractive to other people, why people like seeing you. It's not your penis that gets you a girlfriend, it's all this stuff. It's also an opportunity for you to think about what you want from a partner.

You are way more concerned about your penis size than any other future girlfriends would be. Please try to believe this.

These links may also help you:
Shown Actual Size: A Penis Shape & Size Lowdown
Male Sexual Anatomy
Growers and Showers
Innies & Outies: The Penis, Testes and More
With Pleasure: A View of Whole Sexual Anatomy for Every Body

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