Friday, December 8, 2017

#Top3Mistakes: Top 3 Mistakes by ‘The Catalyst GoalPRO’.

Do you set several goals at the beginning of each year but never achieve any of your goals? 

Do you want to set goals but you don’t know where to start?
Do you wonder if your goals are challenging enough?
Well, If you can relate with any of the above mentioned statements you are not alone.
Do you know that research proves that only 8-10% of people that sets goals each year achieve them?
Having discovered this tragic phenomena, Psychologist and Life, Mind, Emotions and Behavioural Change coach, Lanre Olusola designed the ‘The Catalyst GoalPRO’.
It was designed using the art, science, psychology and sociology of setting goals to give you the tools that will propel you to achieve your desired goals.
Contrary to popular beliefs, Goal setting is not exclusively  a ‘work place skill’. Our lives move in the direction of the goals we achieve. This makes goal setting an essential ‘life skill’.
So whether you are setting goals for your business, organisation, team or yourself,  The Catalyst GoalPRO facilitates and enhances the goal setting experience for maximum results. 
The Catalyst GoalPRO uses the TGROW Model to walk you through the 12 most critical aspects of your life. It eliminates the top 10 mistakes people make when setting goals and provides you with practical strategies to achieve EVERY GOAL YOU SET!

   “He who fails to plan today, plans to fail tomorrow” – The Catalyst

GoalPRO Additional Benefits

You will overcome procrastination
You will overcome self sabotage
You will get clarity on how to set and achieve your goals in the 12 critical areas of your life. 
You will align your values, beliefs with your goals and therefore gain instant breakthrough and traction.
You will be challenged to critically evaluate your goal setting approach 
You will build the capacity and skill set to formulate, prioritize and accomplish professional, organizational and personal goals.
You will identify and consistently use your winning patterns and eliminate your loosing patterns.

GoalPRO Target Audience

This tool is designed to serve both corporate and specific individual needs. It is for individuals who want to master the art of setting and achieving life transforming goals as well as corporate organisations and teams that want to optimize their performance.

Rev Victor Adeyemi is the founder and senior pastor of Global Harvest Churches with branches in and out of Nigeria. A remarkable teacher with decades of experience, Rev Adeyemi shares from his wealth of knowledge, the #Top3Mistakes people make when setting goals. 

Follow this series as we share from more inspiring persons. Are you guilty of any of these mistakes? What can you do to avoid being part of the failed statistics of 2018?

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