Friday, December 8, 2017


Chess is a highly tactical, strategic and mind engaging board game conventionally played by 2 players with 16 pieces each arranged in a particular order on 2 sides of the board. A player controls the black side while the other player controls the white side. Each player has 1 king, 1 queen, 2 rooks, 2 bishops, 2 knights and 8 pawns.

The Queen is the most powerful piece while the pawn is the weakest......Your goal is to ensure your King doesn't get compromised: The King is your most valuable piece and doesn't get into direct combat only when absolutely necessary and usually only at the 'end game'.....White makes the first move!

Chess has taught me to be patient. It has also taught me that a game is never over until it is over. There is always a fighting chance!......If your opponent is white and hits the battle field fully on the offensive and forces you into an involuntary defensive mode at the beginning of the game and unfortunately, you loose focus and have to sacrifice your Queen for a lower ranking officer in order to keep your King safe......The game seems over, it feels feel disadvantaged!.....You have 2 options; you can give up by surrendering or you can fight on.......I advice you fight on even when you take the greatest blows in a game of chess.

I have learnt that even when disadvantaged after loosing your Queen, a Knight well flanked with 2 Bishops(lowest ranking officers) can shatter your opponents formation and make his highest ranking officers (Rooks,Queen and King) beg for mercy. With a lot of creativity and well calculated moves, these same officers can still go on and make sacrifices if necessary to ensure a pawn(the weakest piece) moves all the way from the 2nd tile to earn its crown on the 8th tile and transform into a queen(the most powerful piece) turning the game fully in your favour.

I have also learnt that even when you have the upper hand and things seem to be going your way, you still have to focus and pay full attention to detail when you CHECK your opponent's king or else you can be tricked into a STALEMATE which is a draw even when your arsenal is fully loaded.....To win therefore, you have to push your officers in a manner using the best tactics possible.......And finally, after all the hard work, you win the game and with the tone of victory in your voice you say....CHECKMATE!!!

Life is related to a game of chess.....In life, you might perceive all the odds are stacked against you and feel like throwing in the towel.....It might be your background(family, education etc.), a physical disability, inability to get a job that pays enough to take you home, loosing a loved one or things just don't seem to be working out well for you and life seems to constantly be throwing you lemons......Don't give up!.....This is when you need your most positive attitude to life.

You need to learn more about things that can help you move forward. You have to make all the necessary sacrifices and put in a lot of extra effort...........The knowledge you gain along the way will not be wasted.......With the right strategy, zeal and fighting spirit, you can turn the tides of life in your favour......Keep Improving!

Live your life with reference to the scout motto: "BE PREPARED".
...Once you are prepared for opportunities, you won't need more than a quarter of a chance to favourably advance.....The chance will surely come!....When things turn around, don't get over excited and mistakenly get carried away.....Don't be too full of yourself.....You have to keep working hard and constantly improving on yourself to ensure the motion stays kinetic.......

My friend, this is the attitude you need in order to win in the complex game of life.....Challenges and set backs will surely come, but just keep moving......Take on life and head on!...Don't worry....Be Happy!....Like the guys at Johnny Walker constantly tell us: "Joy will take you further........Keep walking."......When life throws you lemons, make lemonade......Thanks a lot for reading!


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