Monday, January 29, 2018

Looking for a dream job? This is for you

Job hunting is a job in itself, but you can get paid for your numerous applications by landing your dream job. Arguably, the term “Dream job” is the second most used phrase among job seekers, after CV/Resume. Curious though, what does ‘dream job’ mean to you?

Some people score a dream job with huge earnings, while others believe it involves having a good work-life balance, and attaining success while making the world a better place. One man’s dream job is another man’s frustration. But whatever the case is, find a dream job first, then worry later if it’s dreamy enough for you or not. Here’s how to; 

Employers are constantly seeking for ‘dream applicants,’ those who possess skills and certifications that are relevant to the company’s short and long-term goals. A dream applicant possesses all the requirements for a position applied for; the relevant course of study, years of experience, personal and professional skills, etc. everything on point and well-articulated in the CV. Are you a dream applicant?

So maybe you should move beyond looking for a dream job to becoming a dream applicant that organizations cannot resist.


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