Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Donald Duke releases Statement assuring Nigerians that Everyone Matters

"Indebtedness to any nation is worrisome, not just China. The concept of independence is being able to stand on your own; you are not independent if you are indebted to other nations. We need to strengthen our own local trade and when you trade, there should be a balance. 

"You cannot always import without exporting;
you cannot always breathe in without breathing out, that’s the law of nature; there must be harmony. If you keep on importing and you are not exporting to have a balance of trade, then your country will haemorrhage; we are haemorrhaging. 

"All the things that we import, can’t we make them in Nigeria? Each time you import, you are sustaining a job overseas. 

Our government goes to countries like China to borrow because it is cheaper there. 
 "But you can also do the same thing here; you can regulate interest rates here and ensure that credit is affordable; we need to indigenise this economy built by Nigerians for Nigerians”

"Already, if you take the housing sector, you have over 17 million housing shortage. If you decide to build one million houses every year, you will employ over 10 million to 15 million people; it will still take you 17 years to catch up..."

 ■ Social Democratic Party presidential candidate, Donald Duke

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