While New York held its collective breath last week, frightened over
reports that an anonymous patient at Mount Sinai Medical Center was infected
with the deadly Ebola virus, Eric Silverman’s feverish eyes were glued to CNN.
“Is that me they are talking about?” the incredulous 27-year-old
Brooklyn grad student asked his nurse, Margaret Kraus, as she tended to him in
the intensive care unit’s isolation room.
It was, indeed.
Silverman is the mystery man who was quarantined in the Manhattan
hospital for three anxious days after he told doctors he had just returned from
Sierra Leone in West Africa, where he had been doing humanitarian aid work. He
was complaining of flu-like symptoms all too familiar to Ebola victims — a high
fever, a sore throat, headache and diarrhea. The hospital had no choice but to
isolate him and gear up for what might be the first of many such scares.
“It was surreal,” said Silverman, who will begin a master’s program at
Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs next month.
“Even my friends didn’t believe me when I told them I was the mystery patient.
They thought I was joking.”
“We were just stunned and very concerned for Eric and for our family,”
added his mother, Sandra Schpoont, who brought her son to the emergency room on
family doctor’s orders last Sunday night. “We had just had a family dinner the
night before, and everyone was hugging and kissing. Now we were all very
Silverman’s saga began when he went to Sierra Leone in April for a
four-month project to do agriculture and construction work. Unbeknownst to him,
he was working in the bush in the Kailahun district where cases of Ebola were
beginning to erupt. He was healthy for the duration of his assignment, and
returned to New York July 17 to celebrate his mom’s birthday and enjoy a family
But two weeks later — still within the 21-day incubation period for
Ebola — Silverman started feeling sick. He recalled being out with friends on
the Upper West Side last Sunday afternoon, and was suddenly shivering on a hot
summer day.
“I turned up the heat in the car to 90 degrees and drove back to
Brooklyn,” said Silverman, who had also spent three years after college in
Sierra Leone with the Peace Corps. “Then I got out of the car and I was
freezing again. My mother took my temperature and it was 104. When she called
our family doctor, she said to get me to the emergency room at Mount Sinai.”
Dr. Annette Osher alerted the hospital’s emergency room doctors that
she was sending them her patient and that he had recently returned from Sierra
Leone, one of the countries hardest hit by Ebola. As Silverman and his mother
got into a livery car close to midnight, he warned his mother: “Don’t mention
the ‘E-word’ in the cab, or else we’re never going to make it up there.”
Silverman was greeted by Mount Sinai staff wearing protective masks.
They placed him in a separate room, away from the rest of the emergency room
But that was just the beginning of what would be a new and
nerve-wracking experience for both hospital staff and Silverman.
“Only when I woke up on Monday and they wouldn’t let me out of the
room, I knew something was wrong,” he said. “I saw people wearing these space
suits and I realized they couldn’t rule out Ebola. They needed to quarantine me
until they could confirm it wasn’t.”
As hospital staff suited up into special head-to-toe protective gear —
complete with masks, hoods, double plastic gowns and double sets of gloves —
hallways were cleared and Silverman was whisked on a gurney out of the ER on a
journey up to the medical intensive care unit. His boxer shorts were
incinerated as a precaution against infected bodily fluids. His family was
forbidden to visit.
“I closed off Eric’s room at home, nobody went in, and then we just
waited,” said Schpoont, as she fielded daily calls from his doctors and the
president of Mount Sinai, Dr. David Reich, updating his condition and lab
results from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta. “It was
a long wait. I felt really bad for Eric. He was in isolation hooked up to all
these monitors. Two days before he was riding his bike 40 miles around New
The handful of doctors and nurses allowed to care for him were also
unnerved dealing with this kind of emergency for the first time.
Kraus, a 33-year veteran nurse at Sinai, said she will never forget the
72 hours of Silverman’s stay, comparing the intensity of focus, professionalism
and private sighs of “Oh my God” to the night Hurricane Sandy brought dozens of
evacuated patients to Sinai from flooded NYU Langone.
“If he had the Ebola virus, we all knew how it could impact so many
people’s lives,” Kraus said.
Silverman, whose easygoing manner made him a model patient, had
contracted malaria in February and initially thought it was a recurrence, since
many of the symptoms were the same.
So he wasn’t really frightened that he had Ebola until a doctor entered
his room and said, “We have good news — the tests came back negative for
“That was a little scary,” Silverman said. “I knew I had been in the
area where the outbreak started, at the end of May, and I started to think
about who I had been with in Sierra Leone in the last week I was there. But I
couldn’t think of anyone who was that sick who could have given me the disease.
I hadn’t been exposed, as far as I knew.”
It was not until late Wednesday afternoon that the CDC test results
came back. They were negative for Ebola.
“We all had a huge sense of relief — for him and the staff,” said Dr.
Charles Powell, chief of pulmonary and critical care medicine for the Mount
Sinai Health system. “It is a scary situation for so many reasons. There’s a
lot we don’t know, but we do know how deadly this can be. We were all worried
that Ebola had arrived in New York City.”
Asked about the chances of that happening, Powell added: “In my opinion
I think we will see a case here. The situation in Africa does not appear to be
under control, and it’s so easy to travel from place to place. As a result of
this episode, all the health care institutions in New York are going to be well
prepared to recognize it early and assemble the procedures to care for these
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