Monday, April 20, 2015

GOP's stalling of Loretta Lynch vote will only hurt them in 2016

Attorney general nominee Loretta Lynch may finally get a confirmation vote in the Senate this week, GOP Sen. Bob Corker said.
The Republicans in the Senate, the meanest and most narrow-minded among them occasionally acting as if they want the Democrats to have the White House into the next century, need to free Loretta Lynch this week.

They need to stop using abortion language in an anti-trafficking bill for cover, they need to stop using Lynch’s support for President Obama on immigration as cover, they need to stop insulting Lynch the way they have for months as they have delayed a vote on confirming her as our next attorney general for the simple reason that they can.

The issue here was never Loretta Lynch’s policies, always about President Obama’s. They have used her to get at him, because to the end they remain obsessed with getting at him. No wonder Jeb Bush stood up for Lynch in New Hampshire. Bush didn’t just show grace in doing that, he also showed more common sense than his brother showed in eight years as President.
Jeb Bush has to know that Sen. Mitch McConnell hijacking this process does him absolutely no good, the way it does him no good to have McConnell as an important voice and face of the Republican Party. As long as McConnell is, too many voters completely wide-open about the upcoming Presidential campaign will continue to think the party is still owned and operated by scrubs who think they can push around Loretta Lynch for sport.
“And for what?” Rep. Pete King said Sunday. “Because they think it scores them a few political points? With whom?”

Pete King, out of Long Island’s 2nd Congressional district, makes it clear out of the box that he is pro-life. But King has been around long enough — and is smart enough — to know that this anti-trafficking bill that McConnell treats like the Voting Rights Act of 1964 should never have informed Lynch’s confirmation in the first place.

“All you’ve heard from our party for a very long time is how much contempt they have for (current Attorney General Eric) Holder,” King said. “Now they’re presented with Loretta Lynch, who is by far the best attorney general they could ever have expected this President to appoint, and they still hold the thing up.”
Sen. Bob Corker (R.-Tenn.) said Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union” that he expects Lynch’s nomination to finally be approved this week. Only Corker has no way of knowing that for sure. And you know that President Obama came at all of them the other day, saying, “Enough. Call Loretta Lynch for a vote, get her confirmed, let her do her job. This is embarrassing.”

She has the chance to become the first African-American woman to serve this country as attorney general. But she has not come to this moment because of race or gender, but because of her credentials, a career as a U.S. attorney during which she was better at serving her country in her job than the senators who now treat her as if she doesn’t matter, nor does the job that should have officially belonged to her months ago.

“They need to get this done now,” Pete King, Republican, said of Republicans in the Senate. “You know what these guys ought to do? They ought to talk to cops about Loretta Lynch, because I have. As a rule, cops don’t have much use for politicians, and have even less use for liberal politicians. Only the cops I know love Loretta Lynch.”
McConnell and his people continue to act as if it is poor Mitch McConnell who is the victim here, that it is the Democrats who are the bad guys. McConnell’s chief of staff, Don Stewart, almost made it sound the other day as if it is Democrats in the Senate who are the ones selling women and children into slavery. These people must be under the impression that the whole country thinks as slowly as they do.

Of course Loretta Lynch, who prosecuted political corruption as U.S. attorney out of the Eastern District, can see how her own process has been corrupted. The President nominated her nearly six months ago. She was confirmed by the Senate Judiciary Committee two months ago. Still she waits, a prisoner of the clown college that the U.S. Senate has become. Then these senators scratch their heads and wonder why so many in this country have a higher opinion of professional wrestlers than professional politicians.
“There are times when the dysfunction in the Senate goes too far,” the President said the other day. “This is an example of it.”

“Think about something,” Pete King said. “They’ve gone out of their way to hold up the approval of someone they ought to love replacing a guy, Holder, they all say they hate.”
This isn’t about immigration, or about that human-trafficking bill. It was never about that bill. It is just the Washington, D.C., version of stalling traffic on the George Washington Bridge, for spite. The government version of slow jamming. Free Loretta Lynch.

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