Monday, February 15, 2016

Leonardo DiCaprio stars in pictures, but doesn't 'do' pictures with fans

What happened to the rough-and-tumble Leonardo DiCaprio we saw in “The Revenant”?

A shopper at the Prada store in SoHo spotted DiCaprio and Jonah Hill browsing there just before the weekend, where our source got the impression the pair was looking for Oscar garb. We’re told that the 41-year old Leo, a favorite to win a Best Actor Oscar this year for his role as a rugged frontiersman, wasn’t exactly ready for his closeup.

“A fan asked to take a picture with Leo, but he rejected her and said, ‘No. I don’t do pictures,’ ” we’re told. Then it seems that DiCaprio’s conscience got the best of him.
“He started walking away, but then told her, ‘I could sign something if you want,’ ” according to our source. But the fan declined and said she just really wanted a picture.

Apparently that rejection left a bad taste in DiCaprio's mouth.
“Then he asked an employee for Champagne and made a face like it was cheap after taking a sip,” we’re told.

Despite the sobering experience, DiCaprio and Hill continued shopping for about an hour.

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