It's time for a grown-up conversation about sex. No, not that one. The other one, about the minds of men and women. Converging lines of empirical evidence—from developmental neuroscience, medical genetics,
evolutionary biology, cross-cultural psychology, and new studies of
transsexuality—along with our evolutionary heritage, all point to the
same conclusion: There are psychological differences between men and
women. And they affect matters as trivial as sensitivity to smelly socks
and as significant as susceptibility to disorders such as depression and autism.
Size Matters

The dramatic physical and behavioral differences between men and
women, including strength and size, pubertal timing, consistent patterns
around the world of hunting versus gathering and childrearing, as well
as pervasive differences in risk-taking, mortality, and reproductive
requirements, attest to the likelihood that evolution sculpted
adaptations into men and women that make us somewhat different
creatures. Psychologically, this sculpting by evolution has left men and
women with particular approaches to life and love built upon a common core of human nature.
Ironically, just as the evidence is mounting that psychological sex
differences are real, denial of differences has become rampant. Attempts
at respectful and productive conversations about biological sex
differences often end with name-calling (genetic determinist!) or
outright cancellation of events—not to mention the very public firing of
a Google software engineer for writing a memo on the topic.
One reason that conversations about sex differences run aground is the widespread lack of foundational knowledge about sex and gender.
Then there's the huge array of influences, from both inside and out,
that shape all our emotions, thoughts, and behaviors. Still, denying
men's and women's different psychologies is not merely a denial of
reality; it has serious health consequences for significant segments of the population.
Sex vs. Gender Differences
It's most logical to term the differences between men and women sex
differences, not gender differences. After all, our species has
biological sexes—typically defined by gamete size, genital morphology,
the presence or absence of a Y chromosome, and normative sex hormone
levels. For sure, there are atypical (and uncommon) variations in sex
chromosomes and in pivotal hormonal experiences during sexual
development that can make defining one's sex unclear. The International
Olympic Committee has struggled for decades to define biological sex—and
it's still struggling.
Whether you identify as a man or a woman is your sexual identity.
When they study differences in the way self-identified men and women
think (such as how they read a map), feel (the degree to which they
experience empathy), and behave (say, their likelihood of committing
homicide), psychologists are said to be investigating psychological sex
Gender, or gender psychology, according to the American Psychological
Association, reflects the attitudes, feelings, and behaviors that a
given culture associates with biological sex. The term "gender identity"
is often conflated with sexual identity, but "gender" refers to whether
a person is typically masculine and/or feminine as defined by their
local culture. (Sometimes this is called gender-role or sex-role
orientation or gender expression. I know, it's confusing, which is why
so many find it difficult to be clear when discussing sex differences.)
Some psychologists contend that we should call most differences
between men and women gender differences, not sex differences—because
they feel that such differences are culturally constructed and the term
"sex" should be reserved for differences that are primarily biological
in origin. But this is a dangerous game to play, as social psychologist
Alice Eagly has pointed out: It presupposes the ultimate source of
observable differences between men and women.
There are other variations in sex-related identities that complicate discussions. For instance, people's sexual orientation can
come in many forms across varieties of sex and gender, including
androphilia (finding male bodies erotic), gynephilia (finding female
bodies erotic), bisexuality, asexuality, and more. Sex and gender and
orientations come in many varieties. But to compare the psychologies of
self-identified men and women is to discuss psychological sex
differences—whatever their origins.
Size Matters

Photo by The Voorhes

It is a common, but erroneous, notion that men and women differ
because of the simple presence (or absence) of a Y chromosome and its
accompanying effects on testosterone
levels. The fact that there are many degrees of difference between men
and women contradicts that belief. But what makes any sex difference
worth talking about in the first place is the size of the difference.
When analyzing data from large numbers of previous studies—a
procedure called meta-analysis—psychologists have found several sex
differences in the realm of emotions. They have shown that women are
somewhat more empathic than men, whereas men tend to more powerfully
experience the emotion of sexual jealousy. In the cognitive
realm, men tend to be better able to rotate a dimensional object in
their mind and to recognize, say, an upside-down character, whereas
women excel at locating an object in a visual field and remembering
exactly where Big Ben is on a map of London. Behaviorally, men are more
physically aggressive and homicidal with same-sex others than women are,
and women tend to choose older and wealthier partners for marriage
compared with men. What kind of difference, how big a difference, and
how pervasive a difference must there be to support a claim that men are
psychologically different from women?
Take one of the most obvious and noncontroversial differences between
men and women. The typical man is much taller than the typical woman.
But the sex difference in height (or any other sex difference) is not a
statement about individual men and women; it pertains only to group
Therein resides a key problem in discussing sex differences: Research
almost always approaches sex differences as group averages, but most
people think about individual men and women. When researchers talk about
the average man being taller than the average woman, they are not
implying that every member of the group "men" is taller than all members
of the group "women." They are talking about height differences as
distributed across many individuals from both groups.
If you were to line up 100 women and 100 men and peruse the heights
of the two groups, you would easily notice differences in their group
distributions of heights. In the United States, the average adult woman
is only about as tall as the average 14-year-old boy. Too often, when
scientists claim that there exists a sex difference in height, it gets
translated by others as meaning that the feature of height is
biologically essential to being a man (taller) or a woman (shorter). The
tendency to misconstrue as a necessary difference what shows up only as
a group difference is a huge barrier to respectful and productive
conversations about sex differences.
One way to clarify discussions about differences in group averages is
to put a specific number to them. Psychologists often use a precise
number to express the size of sex differences, referred to as an "effect
size," with the most common usage being the d statistic. A positive d
value typically indicates that men are higher on a particular
attribute; a negative value indicates that women are higher. The size of
the d value establishes exactly how big the average sex difference is.
A d value near zero means that the sex difference is trivial. Once a d value reaches +/- 0.20, psychologists take notice. A d
value of -0.20, for instance, indicates that 58 percent of women are
higher than the average man on a psychological trait. These are
considered "small" effect sizes. Sex differences in interpersonal trust,
conformity, and general verbal ability reside in this range.
A d value of +0.50 is considered "moderate" and indicates
that 69 percent of men are higher than the average woman on a particular
attribute. Sex differences in spatial rotation skills, certain
mathematics abilities (3-dimensional geometry and calculus), and
task-oriented leadership (focusing on accomplishing a group goal rather than maintaining harmony within the group) reside within this size range.
A d value of -0.80 is considered "large" and indicates that
79 percent of women are higher than the average man. Sex differences in
tender-mindedness, being interested more in people than in things, and
lack of interest in casual sex reside in this size range.
Larger d values are less common in psychology, but a value
of +1.00 indicates that 84 percent of men are higher than the average
woman. Sex differences of this magnitude include differences in height,
in expressing interest in engineering as an occupation, and in absence
of sexual disgust (such as not feeling grossed out when hearing the
neighbors having sex).
A d value of +2.00 indicates that 98 percent of men are
higher than the average woman in a trait, about as close as researchers
can get to finding a truly dimorphic difference. Sex differences in
throwing ability, grip strength, and voice pitch are in this range.
No matter how big or small a sex difference, there is almost always
significant overlap across distributions of men and women. Some women
are able to throw farther than some men. Psychological sex differences
are about group distributions, not dichotomous binaries of all men
versus all women.
Biology Matters
Neurologically, all humans start as female. During prenatal
development, the Y chromosome of human males initiates a series of
masculinizing events of both body (during the first two months) and
brain (after the first trimester). One of the most critical periods in
the second trimester of gestation occurs when male brains, but typically
not female brains, are permanently altered by exposure to androgens.
According to the organizational hypothesis of sexual differentiation,
the prenatal exposure to androgens masculinizes the brain in ways that
influence psychological sex differences. There is substantial evidence
that these effects are real. For instance, prenatal androgen exposure
within normal levels predicts sex differences in postnatal play
preferences (rough-and-tumble play), personality traits (thrill-seeking, aggression), and cognitive abilities (mental rotation ability).
Evidence supporting the organizational effects of androgen also
arises from studies of male and female children who, for various
reasons, have atypical hormonal profiles. Studies of girls prenatally
exposed to male-typical levels of androgens during the second trimester
of gestation display more male-typical psychology (in play preferences,
personality traits, and cognitive abilities) compared with their
unaffected sisters. Studies of infants as young as a few months
consistently find that some psychological sex differences emerge before
extensive gender socialization has taken place. Exhibit A is spatial
rotation ability, as seen in preverbal, five-month-old infants rotating
and recognizing mirror-image objects.
Studies of adults experiencing hormone treatments, gender dysphoria,
and transsexualism similarly indicate that to some degree, biology
contributes to psychological sex differences between men and women. For
instance, several studies have found that male-to-female transsexuals
show signs of feminine psychological and physical traits before they
transition. After undergoing hormone treatments to reduce their
testosterone, more pronounced feminine thoughts, feelings, and behaviors
are evident.
Development Matters
Biological predisposition to develop a masculine or feminine
psychology in no way implies that men's and women's psychologies form a
simple binary; the overlap in distribution of men's and women's traits
refutes such dichotomous thinking. Nor does the existence of biological
predispositions mean that sex differences are fixed and unchangeable
after birth—a kind of genetically deterministic thinking. Nearly all
biological mechanisms that have arisen over the course of history have
been designed to be responsive to key elements in the environment,
developmentally sensitive to features of family, social structures, and
local ecologies. And the input from the environment almost always
affects the degree of sexual differentiation.
Many psychological sex differences emerge long after prenatal experiences. Sex differences appear during puberty or other critical periods when genes become sensitive to activation by major maturational events, such as sexual debut, parenting, and menopause. Sex differences in the personality trait of neuroticism, including sensitivity to negative emotions and vulnerability to stress,
do not reach their full adult form until around age 14, for example,
suggesting that pubertal factors influence their development. In other
words, some psychological sex differences are specially designed by
evolution to arise developmentally and only after particular
Besides the early organizational effects and the later activational
ones, some psychological sex differences result from direct effects of
genes—apart from the sex chromosomes and their related hormones—functioning
differently in men's and women's brains. For example, psychologist
Janet Hyde and her colleagues have found that a serotonin-transporter
gene, 5-HTTLPR, which exists in short and long versions, the short
version being associated with higher negative emotionality, is more
closely linked to the emergence of neuroticism-related traits in women
than in men. The researchers identify gene variants affecting other
neurotransmitters that are similarly disproportionately expressed in
women. And they cite several mechanisms—such as X-linkage, or the
involvement of genes found on the X chromosome, and estrogen-induced
gene expression—that may play key causal roles in the emergence of one
of the most notable psychological sex differences: the higher prevalence
of depression among women than men.
Even if they originate from direct genetic effects, psychological sex
differences do not take precisely the same form or manifest to the same
degree across all cultures. Human psychology is highly sensitive to
developmental and socioecological contexts. Such environmental factors
as the threat of malaria and other infections, the number of men
relative to the number of women in a local population, the degree to
which men and women must compete in order to find a mate and
reproduce—all magnify or minimize sex differences.
For instance, across all cultures men more than women tend to favor
physical attractiveness in potential marriage partners, especially such
cues to youth and fertility as a small waist and curvy hips. However,
when pathogens are prevalent and diseases such as malaria are a constant
danger (say, in India and Brazil as opposed to New Zealand and
Germany), both men and women tend to emphasize physical attractiveness
in a potential mate—possibly because attractiveness is generally a
reliable indicator of good health. In these environments, the
amplification of desire for physical attractiveness is more pronounced
among women, leading to smaller sex differences in mate preference for
attractiveness in societies with higher pathogen burdens.

Photo by The Voorhes
Culture Matters (But Not How You Think)
Fact: As a percentage of enrollment, there are more female science
majors in Burma, Oman, and Morocco than in the countries of Scandinavia.
Fact: American women are 15 percent less likely to reach a managerial position in the workplace
than are men—but in Sweden women are 48 percent less likely, in Norway
52 percent, in Finland 56 percent, and in Denmark 63 percent.
Whatever the differences in men's and women's psyches—empathy,
jealousy, cognitive abilities, mate preferences—many theories in
psychology assume that they result primarily from direct gender
socialization by parents, media, and societal institutions. As a result,
it is often expected that sex differences will be smaller in cultures
with higher levels of gender-related egalitarianism, as in Scandinavia,
where socialization and roles are more balanced between men and women
and sociopolitical gender equity prevails.
Surprisingly, several large cross-cultural studies have found this is
not at all the case. Whether scientists measure Big Five personality
traits, such as neuroticism; Dark Triad traits, such as psychopathy; or self-esteem,
subjective well-being, or depression, empirical evidence shows that
most sex differences are conspicuously larger in cultures with more
egalitarian gender roles—as in Scandinavia.
The same holds true for cognitive attributes, including mental
rotation and location ability, objectively measured on tests, as well as
for physical traits such as height and blood pressure (both greater in
men). And among such differences as preferring physically attractive
mates, some of the largest psychological variances of all occur among
the most progressive people: Scandinavians. The phenomenon is called the
gender equality paradox.
Culture matters in explaining psychological sex differences, but not
in the way most people think. It's not harsher gender socialization by
parents and media, stringent societal gender roles, or institutional
sociopolitical forces that widen the differences between men and women
in the most progressive nations in the world. When you treat everyone
the same, as in the Nordic countries, it's only genetic predispositions
that produce the most observable individual differences. Extremes of
sexual freedom beget larger psychological sex differences. Or as
explained by Israeli psychologists Shalom Schwartz and Tammy
Rubel-Lifshitz, it may be that having fewer gendered restrictions in a
culture allows "both sexes to pursue more freely the values they
inherently care about more."
Dials, Not Switches
If your sexual identity is "I am a man," it is likely that you also
have a deeper voice and a stronger sex drive than most women. But not
all women. Evolution in sexually reproducing species allows for a lot of
variation along sex and gender dimensions. Think about sex differences
for myriad traits as dozens of interconnected sex/gender dials with
endpoints ranging from extreme male-typicality/masculine to extreme
female-typicality/feminine. Our psychological sex difference dials do
not all need to be turned up to 11 for men and women to be significantly
different from one another and for evolution to have played a role in
producing human sexual diversity.
Viewing sex differences as dimensional sex/gender dials makes it
clear that there is not one simple sex adaptation that gives rise to
male and female psychologies. Rather, there are likely dozens, if not
hundreds, of evolved functional mechanisms generating physical sex
differences in height, strength, voice, and hirsuteness and
psychological differences in personality, play preferences, mate
selection, erotic desires, personal values, and cognitive abilities.
Each adaptation turns the respective sex/gender dials of men and women
in oblique, context-sensitive ways; each contributes a small part in
generating the panoply of sex differences seen in our species all around
the world.
It is ironic that just when science is rapidly improving its fundamental understanding
of sex differences and documenting the sometimes subtle ways that
biology and culture interact, the progress has come under assault. The
uproar over the Google memo was just one example. Another manifestation
is the recent decision by England's Royal Society to name as science
book of the year Testosterone Rex: Unmaking the Myths of Our Gendered Minds
by Cordelia Fine. Healthy backlash points out the dangers of wholly
biologizing our sexual selves, but Fine repudiates psychological sex
differences altogether. Perhaps significantly, the judges were primarily
media members, not scientists.
Despite Fine's increasingly vocal perspective, substantial evidence
attests to the existence of many psychological sex differences. But even
a difference clearly stemming from prenatal hormone exposure—say,
preference for rough-and-tumble play—does not imply genetic determinism;
the feature is still modifiable by future developmental experiences.
And sometimes we will want to do all that we can to modify sex
differences. It is critical to acknowledge that biological sex
differences are not necessarily morally good or justifiable. There are
sex differences whose development society needs to actively redress,
such as the greater risk of severe autism in males and depression in
females. There is only one way to develop the tools necessary for
subduing such undesirable developments—understanding their biological
provenance. And that starts with recognizing their existence.
Divergent Thinking
Some traits are more prevalent in women, some in men; listed by magnitude of sex difference.
- Conformity
- General verbal ability
- Indirect aggression (gossip)
- Interpersonal trust
- Sensitivity to negative emotions
- Spatial location ability
- Tendency to smile
- Preference for status in mate
- Tender-mindedness
- Body fat
- Cooking, among foragers
- Early onset of puberty
- Empathy
- Interest in people over things
- Preference for female-typical toys
- Preference for taller mate
- Primary caretaker of children, among foragers
- Sexual disgust
- Vulnerability to depression
- Impulsivity
- Sexual jealousy
- 3-D geometry ability
- High blood pressure
- Risk-taking
- Sex drive
- Task-oriented leadership
- Mental rotation ability
- Physical aggression
- Preference for physically attractive mate
- Deep voice pitch
- Early mortality
- Grip strength
- Height
- Likelihood of homicide
- Preference for rough-and-tumble play
- Throwing ability
- Upper-body strength
- Vulnerability to psychopathy
Facebook image: Voyagerix/Shutterstock
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