Wednesday, December 6, 2017

NIMI'S Christmas Money Tips: BUY IN BULK

Food is one of the major Christmas expenses. In the run up to Christmas, we tend to buy far too much food, and so much of it will end up in the bin wasted. Plan ahead for your Christmas food requirements and make a list of all that you will need. Include some for your office and household staff as well as friends and relations that you know have little prospect of a decent Christmas. 

___ Consider bulk buying of some items as a way to make significant savings, but be careful; buying in bulk can end up being very wasteful if you don't share with others.

 ___ Make a list of friends, relations, colleagues that might be interested; you can share the cost of a cow, a turkey, a sack of rice, cooking oil, and other staples and other non-perishables that can be stored.

 ___ Prices have already gone up and are likely to go up even higher in the run up to Christmas so do try to get any bulk shopping out of the way this weekend before the shopping frenzy kicks in!

 ___ #food #christmaslist 
 #money #budget
  #christmasshopping #xmas  
#planahead #buyinbulk  
#discounts #christmasmoney

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