Thursday, June 28, 2018

Relationship Advice: So many people are hurting the love of their life.

They are in a relationship with someone they are attracted to and this person is the best person that has ever made them feel loved and cared for, yet they are not loving the love of their life.

It is possible to be
dating the love of your life but, are you loving the love of your life?

Do you recognize and appreciate the love, care, commitment and faithfulness that they give to you?

Some people are killing the love of their life. It could be unconsciously.

Are your words and actions enhancing or destroying their feelings towards you?

Do you do things that hurts them or things that puts smile on their face?

Are your words and actions building your relationship with them?

Some people have destroyed their relationship with the love of their life.

They have broken the platform for uniting with the love of their life. They have shattered the walls of settling with the love of their life. They have destroyed the feeling that brought their hearts as one.

You could be unconsciously chasing the love of your life away from you.

If you have someone that loves you, cares for you and have proven to be by your side through the thick and thin of life, they deserve reciprocated kindness.

One good turn deserves another. If you have a loving spouse, love them in return.


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