No parent is perfect, but you can be pretty great.
are no shortcuts for parenting.
Learning how to be a good parent and
perfecting your parenting skills requires time, effort, and experience
learned from making mistakes and figuring out what to do better next
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While there is no comprehensive list of personality traits
that mean someone will be a great parent, there are some key personal
attributes all good moms and dads have in common.
At its best, parenting is draining:
emotionally, physically, and financially.
and fear are part of the deal. Parenting tests your endurance; it tests
your patience. Every single parent will get it wrong somewhere along
the way.
There is no escaping imperfection, no matter your parenting style.
There are, however, personality traits which will hugely improve your
parenting techniques. The character traits of outstanding parents are
not necessarily innate. You aren’t born knowing how to parent. You
can learn (or even unlearn) certain skills on your way to effective
parenting. You win some, and then there are times you feel like you're
only capable of bad parenting.
If you want to learn how to be a
good parent, think of cultivating the necessary parenting traits like
you would cultivate muscles: With use and repetition.
What are the 7 personality traits that make the best parents? Glad you asked.
1. Humor
best moms and dads have a sense of humor. One of the easiest parenting
tips? Laugh it up! Humor is everything in parenting and in family time.
reduces stress, opens dialogue, and promotes ease among family members.
Playfulness and fun humanize you, making you more approachable to your
kids. Humorless parents tend to magnify worries and burdens which can
create unwarranted anxiety, pleasing and co-dependent behaviors. Make
time for fun. It matters.
2. Consistency
The best parents
set consistent boundaries. Think about how you’d feel if you accepted a
job without being given guidelines, instruction, or training on how to
be successful in your role. You’d be out of sorts, trying anything to
figure out how to thrive and get attention from your boss. There are
many different parenting styles, but this one is synonymous across the
Healthy boundaries are clear and consistent.
who take the time to create and consistently enforce boundaries give
their kids the framework for success. Kids will feel safe and cared for.
Free for all parenting is terrifying for children.
Children will act out accordingly. Boundaries create greater trust and more calming family environments.
3. Fairness
best moms and dads are fair. Life is unfair to be sure, but fair
parenting isn’t focused on making things equal among siblings. Parents
who are fair treat each child as an individual.
The fair parent
does not adapt a one-size-fits-all approach to parenting. Instead,
discipline is thoughtful and less punishment based. Fair parenting is
concerned with giving kids the opportunity to learn from their mistakes.
fair means listening to your child and being flexible. Kids are
naturally rebellious. Being flexible doesn’t mean inconsistent.
means you are willing to listen to your child, measure circumstances,
and make decisions that are in their best interest, not yours. Master
fair and your kids will reward you with greater respect and less kick
4. Self-security
best parents are secure enough that they're willing to sit in
discomfort. Watching your children struggle is excruciating. Still, the
best parents are willing to sit in their own discomfort. Instead of
stepping in to fix or protect their children, they teach their children
to use their voices, utilize resources, make mistakes, and look for
course, if a child is truly in need, a parent must step in. However,
the best parents allow their child to fail, to learn from their
mistakes, to solve their own problems, and self-soothe. They empower
their kids to speak for themselves.
Kids need to feel the entire
rainbow of emotions — from joy, connection and accomplishment to
failure, loneliness, and despair — so they learn how to cope as adults.
Problem-solving, accountability, and resiliency are crucial to
self-sufficiency later in life.
While it may seem like torture to
watch your child in distress, often the most loving thing a parent can
do is keep their own emotions in check while they give their child tools
to figure things out for themselves.
5. Confidence
and women who make the best moms and dads are confident in who they are
and OK with being imperfect. Perfectionism creates a vicious circle of
stress and anxiety. Perfectionists often need to please others — I’m
"good" if people like me and "bad" if people don’t.
can enjoy the messiness of family life with this conditional
self-worth? The best parents know they do not have to be wise, in
control, and perfect all the time.
They know weak moments do not
equate to failing. They do not need to use beautiful homes,
picture-perfect meals, enviable vacations, lean bodies, or angelic
children to validate their self-worth. Having the courage to embrace
your messy, unpredictable, imperfect life gives your children permission
to do the same.
Self-acceptance is a gift. Can there be anything better than being comfortable in one’s own skin?
6. Forgiveness
best parents forgive. Anyone can tell you forgiveness isn’t easy.
Hanging onto anger, whether it is at your kids, your ex, your own
parents, or, worst of all, yourself, wreak havoc with your health. Kids
who have been raised to let go of resentment and vengeance are better
able to move past conflict as adults. They learn that no one is perfect,
including themselves.
learn that they are still lovable despite hurting others. Teaching and
modeling forgiveness means kids don’t have to stay stuck in a traumatic
situation where they felt wronged. They learn to move out of a victim
mentality into a more empowered mindset. Forgiveness improves focus,
creativity, and impulse control.
People who refuse to carry the
heavy load of anger, rage, bitterness, and resentment have more energy.
Give the gift of forgiveness.
7. Responsibility
are constantly being watched by your kids. Kids learn more from what
you do than what you say, and kids can spot a phony a mile away. Kids,
like the rest of us, tend to respect people who live by the words they
parents know this. They know that modeling positive behavior requires
effort and self-control and are willing to put in that kind of
self-restraint. If you value respect, honesty, altruism, friendliness,
unconditional love, and a strong work ethic, you must demonstrate these
characteristics at home.
Modeling positive behaviors influences
how children grow and develop. It influences their behavior in school,
at home, and in relationships. A parent’s positive modeling has the
potential to impact a family’s legacy for generations to come. Remember,
what goes around, comes around generation after generation.
are no parenting shortcuts or easy way outs, but the personality traits
of the best parents can be learned and honed with commitment and
Putting time and effort in while your children
are young saves drama later. The payoff for your efforts may not reveal
itself immediately — in fact, the payoff may not come for years — but
witnessing your kids become healthy, independent adults that you enjoy
and admire is worth the work.
Pierce is a life coach who helps parents get a grip and love the
parenting journey, when it's driving you nuts or you want to make your
home life happier. Contact her through her website or message her directly.
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