Tuesday, March 28, 2017

#KickOutSensitiviteeth! Locate the #SensodyneNigeria Team in Your City for a Free Dental Checkup

Do you love ice cream or you love your hot cup of coffee in the morning, but hey you seldom feel this short and sharp pain whenever you have your favourite ice cream or sip on your hot cup of coffee?

Do you experience discomfort with hot meals or really chilled water or drinks? If you answer yes to any of these, that may just be a simple case of dentine sensitivity but guess what, this situation isn’t peculiar to you alone.
Recent research has proven that 33% of Nigerians suffer teeth sensitivity and a lot of people are not even aware.

The great news is that Sensodyne, the No. 1 dentist recommended toothpaste for sensitivity is offering consumers across Nigeria free dental check! Yes, read it again, free dental check up… Since 2014, Sensodyne has been organizing dental checks where thousands of people gain free access to dental check up and treatment with dentists on ground.
So if you are in Lagos, Benin, Warri, Port Harcourt, Enugu, Abuja, Kano and Kaduna, trust you don’t want to miss out on this, just look out for the Sensodyne team close to your area and have your teeth checked free of charge and in case you suffer sensitivity and you don’t even know, you have a chance to find out. That’s not all, there will be loads of Sensodyne toothpaste to walk away with… Don’t be left out! Tell a friend to tell a friend!

For more details, follow Sensodyne Facebook page, Sensodyne Nigeria or join the conversation on Twitter and Instagram using #SensodyneNigeria, #KickOutSensitiviteeth.
Don’t let tooth sensitivity stop you from enjoying the things you love!

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